Their territories should comprise of good sized grassland with a small area of forest cover. They are normally solitary, but can exist in small social groups and alongside a modest number of other dinosaurs from other species. She uses the horn not as a weapon, but for display.' GenomeĬeratosaurus has 8 Gap ID slots to modify.īio (With Base Stats) Profile Ceratosaurus is a medium sized therapod and eats large amounts of meat, excluding fish, from any source. Or in a group.' Jurassic Tour ' Ceratosaurus possesses an unusual configuration of hornlets over her eyes, and a blade-shaped horn on her snout.' ' Ceratosaurus means 'horned lizard'.
Just what you don't want to run into when you are out there alone. There are distinctive spines that run down its back. Tour Information Release From Hatchery Cabot Finch: 'A carnivore, I see.